Watching The Whale I was struck by several insights into the issues raised by this film. Firstly, by how un-American this movie was. Where were all...
Midas Word Reader Survey
Reader surveys are really important for sites to get real information on which to base their content management decisions. The Midas Word...
New Book By SpeakTruth on Money, Credit & Financial Freedom
Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom is the new bookby Robert Sudha Hamilton designed to help people everywhere. Understanding...
Fox News Pays Out A Billion Dollars For Telling Lies
Only in America, do you have a news network that peddles propaganda with no concern for facts or telling the truth. The country with no standards...
Dutton The Dog Whistling Ex-Cop Busy In Alice Springs
Does Peter Dutton still think he is a cop? Somebody should remind him that he is the leader of the opposition. Dutton the dog whistling ex-cop busy...
Sydney Swans’ Serial Neglect Of Ruck Stocks
AFL premiership sides boast first string rucks more often than not. The Sydney Swans serial neglect of ruck stocks has cost them flags, in my view....
Australia Fast Becoming One Of The Most Inequitable Nations On Earth
Recent research published by The Australia Institute confirms that the decade 2009-2019 was the most inequitable, in terms of wealth-growth-share,...
Federal Government Rumoured To Ban Consumption of Chinese Food
Federal government rumoured to ban consumption of Chinese food by all of its employees. This move follows concerns with the potential infiltration...
Don’t Fall For The Woke-Con
If you’re old and you’re white. If you’re none too bright. Don’t fall for the woke-con. If you’re a bloke and you’re tough. If you’ve had enough....
Understanding How Banks Operate: Money & Debt
Understanding how banks work is an eye opener for most people. Did you know that up until 1844 in Britain banks in the UK printed their own paper...