by Robert Hamilton In this essay, I will be critically assessing the argument, put forward by Robert Di Vito in his published article, “Old...
Art of Coffee Making an Oral Fetish
The Art of Coffee Making by Sudha Hamilton I stand before my three espresso machines like a conductor before his orchestra. Two are gurgling...
Sacred Chef Published on Amazon and Kobo
I hope that you, will find some great recipes here to try and perhaps add to your own culinary repertoire. Recipes are like magic spells to incant...
Health Issues Govt Control & Big Business
Our Health: Is the TGA helping or hindering our journey to better health? Health Issues Govt Control and Big Business. Is protection, censorship &...
Excerpt from – House Therapy
The Kitchen - The Ancient Greeks, who gave us many of the founding principles upon which we base our modern societies - democracy; logic;...
Online Reflections
Online reflections. In my first chosen post I was inspired to recollect, and share, the experiences of my wife and myself, during and after the...
Internet Sex Study
Internet sex study. In this essay I will be describing and explaining how everyday sexual experiences are now often accessed through the Internet by...
Illicit Drugs Cultural Conflict Scapegoats
The banning of illicit drugs by governments, has, in a number of instances, involved measures being taken against particular minority groups and...
Do You Ever Long For Certainty?
Do you ever long for certainty? Do you wish that you had a direct line to God, especially during those times when you are really unsure about what...