
Bite & Smile PDF Version by Robert Sudha Hamilton

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Bite & Smile: Delving into Dental Care for an Informed Choice PDF version by Robert Sudha Hamilton. A Midas Word Publication. 350 pages of oral care gold. Easy to read and full of fun facts.

Bite & Smile: Delving into Dental Care for an Informed Choice is written to provide information and relevant content related to dentistry. It is hoped that you will find within its pages useful stuff, so that you can decide on the right course of action. Sometimes, when you are suffering from tooth ache it is not the best time to make those calls you know nothing about. Your dentist might say to you in the chair, “well, what’s it to be extraction or root canal? “ At the time, you are in agony, on your way to a numb cheek and lips, and might be playing with limited resources. Therefore, your decision weighs a lot and do you really have all the necessary data at hand?


The Bite & Smile PDF version by Robert Sudha Hamilton is 350 pages of his latest epic tale about dentistry. Bite & Smile: Delving Into Dental Care for an Informed Choice is more than fun facts about oral hygiene it is a must have if you want to keep your natural teeth for longer. It is required reading if you would like to save money on the expensive care of your teeth and gums. it is highly recommended if you want to keep tooth pain to a minimum in your life.

The information you will encounter within this book will be relevant and truthful to the best available source material available at the time of writing. At a time, when factuality is partisan and questionable in many other areas of life – you don’t want such an approach when it comes to dentistry. Making that informed choice about your dental care can only come through getting to know the subject. Knowledge is power. This book will be split into bite sized topics, so that you can brush up on the stuff important to you. Whether it be finding out about specific dental procedures that you might be facing or more generic oral care matters.

I think that you will find some of the material in this book – Bite & Smile – entertaining and full of verve if not wit. I suppose there is always a whiff of gallows’ humour about dentistry. It resembles medieval torture, which has been bleached hospital-clean with all its stainless steel instruments and white coated uniforms and PPE. The torture still goes on but is masked with euphemisms such as dental and oral care, mood music and lighting, and heavy doses of pain management pharmacology. There is no getting around the fact that teeth are tough little buggers and require a lot of drilling and digging around with sharp tools. You can dress dentistry up all you like, but underneath it all, pulling teeth and drilling out decay is a hard business.