empty cathedral hall

George Pell Is Dead

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Ding dong the witch is dead! Cardinal George Pell has fallen from this mortal coil. George Pell is dead. A convicted sex offender, who was later released from prison after having his conviction quashed by the High Court. Where there is smoke, however, there is usually fire. Pell had been the hard man of conservative Catholic values over many decades in high office within the church. He had overseen a period of revelation within this religious institution. The Catholic Church in Australia and elsewhere was revealed to be a sewer of sexual perversion and exploitation of innocent children.

George Pell is dead - priest standing in front of the altar
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Cardinal George Pell Has Died

The public exposure by investigative journalists and whistle blowers into literally thousands of incidents of acts paedophilia by Catholic priests and brothers would disgust Australians across the nation. The decades of silence bought cheaply by the Catholic Church compounded the damage done to victims of child sexual abuse. Cardinal Pell was in the thick of this foul stew. The damage to the standing of the Church has been profound, but is it really enough.

Catholic Cardinal Pell Oversaw A Fall From Grace

If a tenth of these offences were found to have been committed by any other organisation in the country it would be closed down.

If a corporation was convicted of serial sexual abuse of minors by its employees it would be shut down. Only a religious body with its raison d’etre involving belief in an intangible supernatural entity can survive such gross crimes against children committed by responsible adults promising pastoral care.

This betrayal of trust by church ministers, teachers, and mentors is unforgiveable when it involves children and the vulnerable among us.

George Pell is dead - inside photography of church
Photo by Adrien Olichon on Pexels.com

The lie that all religions are founded on makes these betrayals possible. A priest or brother is in a position of authority. God’s right hand man. The Catholic Church runs schools across the country and around the world. The Church claims to be a moral law giver and its representatives its mouth pieces. What these mouths got up to it I leave to your imagination. This was not a case of one or two bad apples either. There were cabals of brothers and priests involved in these acts of perversion over decades. Individual paedophile priests committed hundreds of sexual abuse crimes over many years without being prosecuted. The Church actively covered up these crimes and moved the perpetrators around, when parents complained, to new dioceses and schools. George Pell is dead and I bet there are victims of this abuse who are not sorry to see him go.

A century of abuse

“Many thousands of children suffered repeated and severe sexual abuse in Australia’s religious institutions, particularly those of the Catholic Church. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which reported its findings in 2017, heard cases of abuse across 964 Catholic institutions such as churches, religious schools and children’s homes. Abuse included such behaviours as fondling, masturbation and, in over half of the cases, rape. This was usually accompanied by other forms of abuse, including physical punishments, humiliation and chronic neglect.

The affected children were typically between the ages of 10 and 14, although many victims, particularly girls, were younger. Most were abused many times. Having heard testimony from thousands of survivors, the Commission calculated a crude average duration of abuse of 2.4 years, and 3.7 years in residential settings. More than 60 percent of the survivors who told the Commission they were sexually abused in a religious institution, suffered the abuse in Christian church organisations, most of which were Roman Catholic.

Substantially over-represented among the victims were Australia’s so-called ‘Stolen Generations’ – children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background who were forcibly removed from their families and communities by an assimilationist policy that placed them in residential children’s homes between 1905 and the 1970s. Sexual abuse of these children became an aggravating factor in their experience of cultural colonisation, in which their own culture was disparaged and their access to their home community denied.

The Commission found that several factors contributed to conditions conducive to abuse. One was the remote locations of some Church institutions in Australia, which distanced perpetrators from accountability and victims from avenues for complaint. Another was the religious relationship between perpetrator and victim, the latter often being blamed in theological terms for their own abuse; some victims were threatened with “being sent to hell” if they resisted, for example, or made to beg forgiveness from their abuser for the ‘sin’ of having been abused. This had an additional, ‘spiritual’ impact on the children, according to the Commission”

boy wearing orange shirt blowing on dandelion
Photo by Sharefaith on Pexels.com

Cardinal George Pell was in a position of authority for much of his life. Australians looked up to the big man for spiritual guidance. The fact that his organisation was clearly shown to be a home for despicable human beings exploiting children and the vulnerable for their sexual gratification should not be forgotten. These things had been going in the Catholic Church for centuries.

What can we learn from such awful lessons? What have we learned from these crimes? Not very much it seems. The truth is that the belief in God is an essentially selfish pre-occupation. People believe in their own personal God for their own salvation. Yes, they may be advised to help others and to attempt to lead a life of service. The underlying motivation for this is, however, the salvation of their own soul. Many Catholics may genuinely empathise with victims of child sexual abuse but it is not the main game when it comes to their own religious commitment.

The hierarchy within the Catholic Church feels similarly aggrieved by the systemic moral corruption within its ranks but the Church sees itself above such things. It sees its role as a divine calling and protecting the edifice of the Church is far more important than a few hundred thousand victims of child sexual abuse. In fact, the millions of victims, including women, the disabled, indigenous people, and children are testament to the ultimate failing of this institution and the protocols that govern it.

light man people woman
Photo by Andre Moura on Pexels.com

Here is the problem. You create an invisible supernatural entity with the three big Os. Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. You fight for hundreds of years, among yourselves in the early church, whilst making this stuff up. You burn heretics, who don’t toe the company line, from within your own ranks.  Who said religion was easy. Eventually, someone comes up with the great idea of making priests celibate. The same blokes who would be advising couples about marriage.

What do you think is the prime biological imperative within members of the human species? Oh, yeah, to procreate. So, you twist natural inclinations to serve some cooked up hodge podge of fantastic ideas about ethereal souls in a kingdom of heaven.

The result is centuries of priests with secret wives and families on the side. Imagine how this affected the lives of these priestly appendages. Oh, of course, they don’t really matter because it is all about a belief in God and the importance of the Church. The emperor’s new clothes. The ideal is more important than the earthly reality. Another stream of priests are homosexuals and they prey upon their flock. Grooming children, altar boys, to perform the sexual acts they crave – driven by their nature and how it has adapted to the rules of the new religion.  Underground, it began in the catacombs, and these sexual acts would flourish in secret. The scriptures would be bent to the will of the body. God’s forgiveness for the sins of man would play on high rotation.

George Pell is dead.

The Catholic Church should be put to bed. Its priests have stained the sheets with their nocturnal emissions.

Denying the man to dress up the ideal in priestly garb is an abomination, which seeps out and infects the lives of children. Beware those who dress up in uniforms to hide their humanity. Priests, Nazis, police, judges, and even doctors in white lab coats.  Many people see the uniform and nothing else. Cardinals in their robes and where is the man underneath all that palaver? Oh, yeah, there are no women Cardinals in the Catholic Church. Why is that I wonder? Catholics still believe, despite the basic wrongness in the structure of the church. Catholics still believe despite the mass of sexual crimes against children committed by priests and brothers. It is this purely selfish belief in a personal God, which has been roped into the edifice of the Roman Catholic religion, that hangs in there, hell or high weather.

Ding dong the witch is dead.

Robert Sudha Hamilton

George Pell is dead - man praying beside a bed
Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com

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