Sweet Treat Recipes
Human beings, and many other species of animals, enjoy sweet treats. Too many sweets and too much sugar can cause health problems, but every now and then a sweet treat is just the ticket. Making your own sweet treats puts you in the driver’s seat, in terms of how sweet and what sweetener you use. Below are a few of my favourites:
Dark Chocolate Tart
This is a yummy gluten free dessert served with
raspberry coulis & double cream.
- 5 eggs separated
- 200g dark chocolate 70%
- 200g butter
- 1 tspn vanilla extract
- 1 cup mascobado (raw brown sugar)
- 1 cup castor sugar
Line a cake tin with baking paper and set oven to 160 degrees C.
in a fan forced oven.
Melt butter & chocolate together in a bowl. Beat egg
yokes, mascobado sugar & vanilla extract together in a
large mixing bowl. In a separate bowl whisk egg whites
until stiff peaks form, gradually adding castor sugar
as you go. Add in melted butter & chocolate to egg
yolk mixture, gently mixing together before folding in
egg whites. Transfer to prepared cake tin and bake until
skewer comes out clean, usually around 40 minutes.
Sweet Treat Recipes
Raspberry Coulis
This uplifting sweet concoction is great with lots of
desserts and keeps in the fridge for about a week.
- 250g frozen or fresh raspberries
- 1 tbspn freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 cup icing sugar
Whip ingredients together in a blender until they form
a uniform consistency. Transfer to a squeeze bottle to
make artistic swirls on your dessert plates.
Citrus Tart
Baked Citrus Tart
A gorgeous creamy and tangy dessert.
Butter unsalted 150g
Sour cream 50g
Sugar castor 100g
Eggs 2
Flour plain 250g
Water 2 tbspn
Preheat your oven to 180 degrees C. Cream your butter, sour cream and sugar in a food processor.
Mix in eggs and begin to add sifted flour slowly. Dribble in water so that you can work the mixture, kneading lightly until you have a smooth pastry ball. Wrap in cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out into a greased and lined baking ring and bake, with blind beans on top of grease proof paper, for 25 minutes. Remove blind beans and bake for a further 10 minutes or until golden.
Baked Citrus Tart
Cream pouring 300ml
8 eggs
Sugar castor 350g
Grapefruit ruby 2 juiced
Lemons 3 juiced
Tangello 2 juiced
Lemon zest 2 lemons
Heat cream in a saucepan until pre-boil. In a large bowl whip your eggs and sugar together, before adding in your warm cream, zest and citrus juices. Pour the filling into the pastry case and bake for 50 minutes until just set. Allow to cool and carefully release from tart ring. Slice and serve sprinkled with icing sugar. Serve with ice cream or double cream.
©Sacred Chef