24 Hour Plumbers

All my bags were packed and I was ready to go. This would be the trip of a lifetime, I thought to myself. I had been planning this holiday for years now, saving up money and working out my itinerary. I will go to the toilet now, because it will be an hour’s journey to the airport, and I want to be relaxed when I check in and not looking around for an airport toilet. I went to flush my toilet and to my horror it wouldn’t flush. I could not believe this was happening to me now on the eve of my departure.

Could I just leave it, I thought to myself? What would it be like when I got back, after a year of travelling?  The answer was too disgusting to contemplate. I needed a plumber. I needed a plumber now, right now. It would have to be a 24-hour plumber, I thought. Where do I find a 24-hour plumber, this is an emergency? The taxi would be arriving soon. I thought of John Denver’s song, Leaving on a Jet Plane. Somehow I would have to change my booking time before that happened. Bloody hell, what a situation this is.

24 Hour Plumbers

I grabbed my phone and typed in ‘24-hour plumber’ and my suburb. I looked hurriedly down at the screen to the search results: 24 hour plumbers on call for Ahs and emergency plumbing. That was what I wanted, so I touched the call icon and waited impatiently for someone to answer. A voice identified himself as a plumber and I asked him if he was a 24-hour plumber. I took a deep breath and told him my situation, he laughed and I nearly hung up, there and then. But I gathered my wits, and listened, as he told me that he was on his way over and would probably arrive in ten or fifteen minutes.

I hung up the phone and leaned back against the door frame. I can relax; I thought to myself, I will make it. The 24-hour plumber will be here shortly and will fix the problem. I looked at the time on my phone and began calculating the time of my taxi’s arrival with that of the 24-hour plumber, and factored in how long it would take for the plumber to fix my toilet. I heard the doorbell and went to let in the plumber.

24 Hour Plumber

Plenty of things have changed in the world over the last ten years, or so, and plenty of things have also changed in plumbing. When I was a kid, plumbers were dour, gruff, and often hardly heard, as they went about their subterranean world. Not much to talk about when you shovelled shit for a living, I suppose. These days, however, has seen a new breed of plumbers emerge, plumbers who are more high tech. Men, and a few women, who are more attuned to their mobile phones than any shovel or spade. The biggest change in plumbing is the surprising appearance of the 24-hour plumber.

Back in the days of Australian leisure, when a plumber’s day finished around 3pm, you could cry never when requiring a plumber on the weekend. Plumbing, and dealing with plumbers demanded patience, as more than a virtue and more like a prerequisite, in fact. You could only dream about such strange things, as a 24-hour plumber. Sure doctors made house calls in those days, even on weekends, and after hours, but a plumber, you must be kidding. Well, funny how things reverse and now you can call a 24-hour plumber, when you have a plumbing emergency. Whilst, if you are dying at home, forget about a doctor, and get yourself to hospital, sonny Jim.

These 24-hour plumbers have changed the plumbing scape, as much as anyone in the plumbing game. As plumbers they recognised that most calls for a plumber were desperate ones and would not wait for mere Monday to Friday, and nine to five, or seven to three, as it used to be. The advent of the 24-hour plumber has seen the happiness ratio in homes and workplaces rise to levels previously unseen. These plumbers are the wellbeing specialists, restoring working plumbing 24/7.

You know, you don’t realise, just how, important plumbing is until your loo won’t flush; or your hot water is stone cold; and/or your stormwater drains are overflowing and washing your flower beds away. Plumbing is largely invisible, quietly gurgling away, and visits to the shower and toilet are so hum drum and every day, but when your plumbing is stuffed, normality grinds to a halt. Where is that plumber, you shout, at your phone? Your fingers, meanwhile, are punching in letters and numbers to achieve the arrival of a 24-hour plumber, who can save the day.

24/7 Plumber

For plumbers, there is no day of rest. The plumbing challenge is unceasing. When the wheels of our big city keep turning 24/7, so does the need for plumbing. The, silent and largely invisible, plumbing process, which underpins our homes and this fine city, takes away our waste products, keeps us clean and warm, 24/7. If something goes wrong with the plumbing: a blocked toilet; drains overflowing; no hot water; leaky taps; septic tank on the nose; burst water pipe; gas escaping; sinks not emptying; and the list can go on – we all want it fixed, today.

I don’t want to take a cold shower; flush my toilet with a bucket; put up with the pong; watch my petunias get flooded away; no I want a 24/7 plumber to come and save the day. Plumbing is more than a trade, it is for the 24/7 plumber, a way of life and a means to contribute to the upkeep and maintenance of our fair city. Our homes and workplaces, demand 24/7 plumbing, so that we can work, rest and play. When we have a plumbing emergency, we want someone to call, a number that will answer; we want plumbing redemption.

BLACK are the, 24/7 plumbers, with a team of mobile vans on the road, roaming the suburbs and solving plumbing emergencies. They have the expertise and the equipment to rectify and remedy your dickie plumbing. If the hot water is on the blink; the septic’s causing a stink; the downpipes are blocked and the garden a swamp, then you need 24/7 plumbing.

A BLACK 24/7 plumber can: fix and/or replace your toilet with a dual flush toilet – saving you water and money; they can also unblock your stormwater or sewerage drain – repairing or replacing pipes if required. A 24/7 plumber can get your hot water system working again; they can also do gasfitting for ovens, stoves, BBQ’s and heaters. Plumbers keep the city from sinking into pits of – deep despair. 24/7 plumbers are equipped with CCTV drain cameras to find your blockage quickly and efficiently. BLACK 24/7 plumbers have electric eels and water jetting devices to clear and clean sewer pipes, and storm water drains.

BLACK master plumbers and drainers, will get your plumbing back on track, 24/7 days a week. They are on call, and online, right now, ready to respond to your plumbing emergency. Give them a call today.