President Trump Postlaunch Remarks (NHQ202005300037)

Trump The Bible Salesman: The End Must Be Nie

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Donald Trump is selling $60 bibles to the American public. If you wanted to witness the lowest point of this saga and American popular culture this is pretty close. This guy has no shame because he has a complete absence of integrity in the first place. Trump would sell his own mother if there was a buck in it. He cheats at golf, constantly, which defeats the whole purpose of playing the game. Trump the bible salesman: The end must be nie. The United States of America has become an international laughing stock.

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How Low Can Donald Trump Go?

The love of Trump has to be founded on his decade of celebrity on TV. Deluded Americans have confused reality with reality TV. Believing in a compulsive liar and narcissist is a strange cult to follow. Trump selling bibles can be viewed as a desperate act or a weirdly American return to one’s roots. I think of Great Depression era salesmen selling bibles. The lowest of the low times and the selling of hope. Trump should have been a game show host – this is his true metier. He could have spruiked his rich mix of lies and ridiculous statements without damaging the nation that spawned him.

belief bible book business
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Golden Sneakers & Sixty Buck Bibles

Trump has been peddling golden sneakers too. Surely there is something in the bible about such dichotomies?

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits.”

  • (Matthew 7. 15-20)

Right now, Donald Trump is definitely a ravenous wolf, ravenous for your money. Found guilty of massive fraud in his business dealings. Found guilty of defaming a woman he raped and defaming her some more. These civil findings have cost him around half a billion dollars. This is why we see Donald hawking sneakers and bibles to the schmucks that follow him. The faithful have shut their minds and eyes to the facts before them. They will go to their graves believing the evil fruit Trump serves them. This is the sure sign of a downfall of a civilisation, when folk do not care to know the difference between truth and lies. Historians wonder at how such great civilisations can fall, like the Romans who had conquered half the known world. We can see the why and the how in what is happening in America at the moment. Ordinary people lose the ability to see what is what via the extreme influence of their beliefs. You cannot turn away from progress and seek the past – this is a recipe for a quick demise. Turning away from the challenges of the future to try and claw back the past is throughout history a sure sign of the imminent destruction of a civilisation.

“The former president said every American needs to have a Bible in their home — and he has many copies available. “It’s my favorite book,” he said, later adding, “We have to bring Christianity back into our lives and back into what will be again a great nation.”

The $60 Bible is the King James Version will include lyrics from Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.,” as well as the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance.”

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The Death Of Democracy & Rise Of Autocracy

False prophets peddling the politics of grievance, like Trump, are hastening the collapse of America. Democracy has always been the great experiment bubbling on the stove. De Tocqueville knew it and had the excesses and failures of the French Revolution to enrich his view of the nascent America. We have the extraordinary circumstances of a presidential race between a grifter and a very old man. The orange Jesus selling sixty buck bibles vs a fairly decent Joe Biden. A nation, which has the led the world for a century or more, now challenged by the rise of China and India not too far behind. Probably, the hawks and money men want a change from a democracy to an autocracy so that they can compete with China. Totalitarian regimes are easier to manage militarily and, perhaps, economically in the 21C. The economic superpower status of the USA has always been maintained via its military advantage over all other comers.

The End Is Nie For America

Trump the bible salesman: The end must be nie. The old testament is largely a potted history of the Jewish people and their adversaries. Dynasties and family histories designed in the telling to pump up the tyres of these oft benighted folk. The end of times and the dystopian view of America that Trump is pushing is well suited by a bible selling false prophet. The MAGA line demands an a priori acceptance of a spoiled America. An America betrayed by immoral liberals and lefties. These overfed fools who have never faced war or invasion on their lands, apart from their own Civil War, are indulging in dangerous fancies. The Trump cult is entrenching division down the old slaver state lines. A failed coup – the January 6th insurrection has pitted the militias and their supporters against the state, once already. Donald Trump has promised to free the gaoled insurrectionists. Politics has gazumped the rule of law it seems. The world is witnessing the ugly, white supremacist side of American culture and this time it is no Hollywood movie. Guns and money are the two great touchstones of America. Trump, the Teflon Don, has evaded criminal convictions but been bitten by civil proceedings and big fines.  Only money talks in the USA. Get your MAGA bible now!

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.


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