
A Guide To Healing & Wellbeing PDF

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In this book I touch upon some of the expanding concepts of health and wellbeing. There is a movement toward the enhancement of human life. Some of us are asking, “how can we continue to raise the bar when it comes to human happiness and potential?” Having enough to eat is one level achieved. We can all do more to assist everyone around the globe having this basic need satisfied. Having a secure home and community is next level. Finding fulfilling work and creative expression is another important level to be achieved. All of these things greatly impact upon an individual’s wellbeing. A life well lived is a journey of self-discovery.


A Guide to Healing & Wellbeing PDF by Robert Sudha Hamilton

Collected writings in the health space.

We are emerging from several years of a global pandemic, not last seen for over a hundred years. The coronavirus Covid-19 has killed an estimated 15 million people worldwide according to the World Health Organisation. Health has been very much on our societal mind. The virus has decimated the lives of many and impacted upon all of us in some way. A lot of us are heartily sick of talking about it and would rather not think about it at all if possible. Others are predicting the next one to rear up out of the biological soup and making plans for how we are going to handle it.

Health, of course, is more than life and death, it is all the stages in-between. Wellbeing has become a byword among the wealthy citizens of the world for the good life. Our wellbeing is more than just not being sick, it is a reach for new levels of health in the twenty first century. It is tinged with wisdom, old and new. It is debated by scientists and social commentators about its validity. Science has had to put up with religion from the beginning and doesn’t want another invisible entity, another set of the emperor’s new clothes, to dance with humankind.

Health and wellbeing are evolving as we are evolving. The measuring sticks are always changing as we do. A move from statistically based mass medicine to individually designed programs of therapeutic treatments is underway in the developed nations. Again the inequality of the world is brought into sharp focus by the state of health standards around the globe. The rich have traditionally lived longer and their children have been less likely to die young. However, the unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyles in the western world are also taking their toll. Too much of a good thing can kill you too it seems.

In this book I touch upon some of the expanding concepts of health and wellbeing. There is a movement toward the enhancement of human life. Some of us are asking, “how can we continue to raise the bar when it comes to human happiness and potential?” Having enough to eat is one level achieved. We can all do more to assist everyone around the globe having this basic need satisfied. Having a secure home and community is next level. Finding fulfilling work and creative expression is another important level to be achieved. All of these things greatly impact upon an individual’s wellbeing. A life well lived is a journey of self-discovery.