Publishing and Editing

If you are an author, seeking help with editing, so as to publish online with AmazonKindle or Kobo – Midas Word can help you. Midas Word can publish and edit your manuscript and/or help you through the steps to publish your book online. Create your own Ebook and publish with Amazon or Kobo. Midas Word offers a free appraisal of your manuscript, and will then quote, on an individual basis, in regard to what editing your book requires. Amazon has opened the publishing world to authors of all persuasions, it is no longer the strictly controlled world of a few literary agents and publishers. Midas Word has published a number of titles and offers our expertise in getting the most out of a manuscript, to make it eminently readable. Publishing and editing services by Midas Word.

Authors seeking editors for editorial help can find it at Midas Word. Are you wishing to publish your book online? Midas Word have experience in editing and copywriting. Midas Word can help you publish your book online with Amazon or Kobo. You may also require marketing support for your newly published title through our copywriting services. Midas Word copywriting services for online content; editing; digital marketing; blogging; text boxes; articles; essays; published articles; books and unique content. At Midas Word we provide professional copywriting services for today’s online world. Fast and fluid; intelligent copy for a variety of industries across the digital marketing spectrum. Specialising in WordPress; social media and digital publishing platforms.

Fiction or non-fiction we love books at Midas Word. Good writing is the cornerstone for learning and enriched entertainment. Goodreads and libraries are the cache of truth, passion and reasons for being. You could be an author. You could contribute to this storehouse of human knowledge.

Online content rich – articles; copywriting services; published essays; magazine style. Book reviews; ideas, original thinking; history; health; food philosophy and fiction. At Midas Word discover the truth.

For Professional Copywriting

Midas Word will research your specific industry requirements to create unique and informed content for your website, blog or enewsletter. Long or short copy for articles, ads and all your other digital marketing requirements. Midas Word has published articles in the national print media and online for clients around the globe. At Midas Word we can create and manage exciting online content to drive traffic to your business and attract the attention of your market.

Good copy reflects a knowledge of your topic or industry. Telling the truth always wins the hearts of your readers. Informing is one thing but inspiring is something more. Think about how many words and images  the average adult is exposed to on any given day? Make your content more than just run of the mill. Midas Word.
