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Dutton The Dog Whistling Ex-Cop Busy In Alice Springs

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Does Peter Dutton still think he is a cop? Somebody should remind him that he is the leader of the opposition. Dutton the dog whistling ex-cop busy in Alice Springs turning the clock back to drum up negative coverage of Indigenous Australians. Funnily enough during his 10 years in government the law and order issues in Alice Springs were not on his radar. Playing politics is a Liberal Party playbook speciality. We have seen it with climate change. The issues in regional Australia are a direct result of the neglect of services in these townships and camps over decades.

Dutton the dog whistling ex-cop busy in Alice Springs

Peter Dutton’s Racist Form Around Aboriginal Australians

Dutton has form around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues. He refused to be in the parliamentary chamber when Kevin Rudd, as PM, said sorry. Peter Dutton didn’t turn up again when the Voice to Parliament referendum question was introduced to parliament.

This is racist behaviour and his leadership of the Liberal Party is taking this once august body down a dirty pathway. Dutton’s decision to lead a campaign against a Voice to Parliament for Indigenous Australians is further proof of his and his party’s unwillingness to empower Aboriginal people to provide their insight and leadership into their own governing.

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Dirty Politics in Alice & Peter Dutton

The problems in regional Australia being highlighted by Peter Dutton have been there and brewing for many years. They clearly show the urgent need for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. This bullshit around it being a Canberra voice is another furphy because this is where the decisions are made on a federal level. The current proposal for a Voice will draw its advisory members from local communities around the nation. In the same way, as parliament works with MPs coming from their electorates to Canberra. The Libs and Nationals are muddying the waters to try and defeat this momentous movement for change for Aboriginal Australia. Ken Wyatt knows this and finally did the right thing by his people by quitting the party. Julian Lesser likewise stepped up and left the creaking ship to the rats and racists.

Support The Voice to help Indigenous Australians be heard

There is broad support for the Voice to Parliament throughout Australia. Australians know that our Indigenous sisters and brothers have been long neglected and mistreated by white Australia.

The old way has not closed the gap between the lifestyles and wellbeing of whites and Aboriginal people. We need a new approach and the Voice, as a constitutional recognition, will boost the weight of the Indigenous voice in the room. Under the current set up our Indigenous brothers and sisters are too easily ignored by the louder voices in the room. Whether it be quiet racism or its more outspoken forms the proof is in the pudding and the Indigenous Australian slice of the pie has long been bitter and shrivelled. It is time to recognise and honour those who were here long before we arrived. Dutton the dog whistling ex-cop should be humanly put down by his party, politically speaking. Australia should get on with becoming the best version of ourselves we can be.

Robert Sudha Hamilton

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