Donald Trump is already bragging about how his tariff led economy will return jobs to Americans. The brutal truth is that Americans will be paying...
Who Is Driving The Bus?
Do you know who is driving the bus? By this I mean, who is leading our societies and who is making the important decisions that we all follow? It is...
Welcome To Neoliberalism: Be Free To Pay Forever
Welcome to Neoliberalism. Bienvenida. Here in downtown Neoliberalis there is a new kind of freedom. You are free to pay for everything. User pays,...
The Financialization Of Essentials
During a cost of living crisis, which many in the world are now experiencing, it is easier to get in touch with the essentials necessary for living....
The Golden Rule Of Present Giving At Xmas
Yes, it is that time of the year again, Season’s Greetings! Do you know the golden rule of present giving at Xmas? It is an undeniable truth that...
Connectivity Is Crucial To Our Future Security
The recent nationwide Optus outage showed us that connectivity is crucial to our future security. Suddenly, everyone felt helpless and reacted with...
The Secret Life Of Money
It may seem strange to talk about the secret life of money when a lot of people devote their lives to it. It’s not really when you consider the same...
The Profits Of Slavery And The Recompense Owed
Imagine that your parent's or grandparent's house was invaded by bad men and their wealth and property was stolen. In addition, they were forced to...
New Book By SpeakTruth on Money, Credit & Financial Freedom
Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom is the new bookby Robert Sudha Hamilton designed to help people everywhere. Understanding...
Understanding How Banks Operate: Money & Debt
Understanding how banks work is an eye opener for most people. Did you know that up until 1844 in Britain banks in the UK printed their own paper...