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The Replacement Of Elites With ?????

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Do all those folk who have been complaining about elites, as the cause for all their lack of opportunities in life realise the consequences of getting rid of them? The replacement of elites with ???? You see, when you elect and appoint non-elites you don’t get like for like in terms of talent and intelligence. One of the reasons these folk are called elite is because they strive to be the best at their chosen professions. The elite realm is pretty competitive, it is not like the tavern, where mediocrity boasts of coulda woulda shoulda unrealised dreams.

September 11,President Donald J. Trump
September 11,President Donald J. Trump by National Archives and Records Administration is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Damn The Elites & Bring In The Replacements

We are seeing the change over happening with MAGA Republicans filling the chamber of congress. The average intelligence level has dropped alarmingly since their arrival. Many of these folk lack a basic understanding of things like geography and how government actually functions. The old law of leadership used to mean that most leaders were smarter than those folk they led. This is no longer the case. The trouble with putting ordinary people into power is you get ordinary results. Sometimes not even that, cause a whole bunch of loud mouthed stupid folk can’t agree on much. The replacement of elites with ????

WTF Do We Replace Them With?

People bitching and complaining about elites is all very well, but WTF are you going to replace them with? Opinionated folk who don’t know how the system works and lack expertise in the designated field? Do you know what the outcome of that is likely to be? Dysfunction and chaos. Corruption and incompetence. Americans used to laugh about the stuff they heard about the USSR back in the day. Well, the USA looks increasingly as if they are heading down the same road. Right wing crackpots, Project 2025 extremists, and a cavalcade of dodgy individuals looking for the gravy train. It is all very well to have a protest vote but ultimately someone has to govern the country.

usa flag waving on white metal pole
Photo by Element5 Digital on

The Consequences Of The Politics Of Grievance

The politics of grievance and the race to be at the front of the victim queue has so many mediocre folk lining up for rewards and recognition it is going to be a shit show. The replacement of elites with ???? Trump is trying to fill his cabinet with other sex offenders and sleaze bags like himself. Good luck with that America. Christian Nationalism has always had a soft spot for misogynists and racists. White supremacy will not be slurred by inconvenient accusations about such things as character.

urban scene with american and brand flags
Photo by Supreme From Queens on

If you have spent most of your life slagging off elites and blaming them for your failures – is this a good preparation for actually fulfilling the role of government? You might talk a good war at the bar but when it comes to getting the job done how will you really fare? No expertise and no experience. A President surrounded by sycophants and ‘yes men’. Good luck with the future because you are going to need it. It was all woke’s fault and DEI. Those bleeding liberals stole my chance. Is this really going to be the replacement of elites with ????

The late Robert Hughes wrote a book called The Culture Of Complaint about America. Well, that culture morphed into something more serious a long time ago. An embittered and exploited politics of grievance. Exploited by right wing politicians for their electoral benefit. MAGA Trump. Populist demagogues telling the people that they are hard done by and its somebody else’s fault. The blame game. Pissing in the pockets of white working class folk. Elites are to blame! Those nasty individuals who studied harder than you and worked their butts off to get where they are. Sure, they had advantages, some of them, but not all of them. I love the irony of a fake celebrity TV billionaire, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, championing the disgruntled working class. Only in America, stupid is as stupid does.

America Matters image Robert Sudha Hamilton



“Recently, Americans have become increasingly likely to hold anti-intellectual attitudes (i.e., negative affect toward scientists and other experts). However, few have investigated the political implications of anti-intellectualism, and much empirical uncertainty surrounds whether or not these attitudes can be mitigated. Drawing on cross-sectional General Social Survey (GSS) data and a national election panel in 2016, I find that anti-intellectualism is associated with not only the rejection of policy-relevant matters of scientific consensus but support for political movements (e.g., “Brexit”) and politicians (e.g., George Wallace, Donald Trump) who are skeptical of experts. Critically, though, I show that these effects can be mitigated. Verbal intelligence plays a strong role in mitigating anti-intellectual sympathies, compared with previously studied potential mitigators. I conclude by discussing how scholars might build on this research to study the political consequences of anti-intellectualism in the future.”

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump.


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