I could begin with a brief history lesson about Stoicism but this is not the essence of it. Being Stoic: What is it? Doing stuff you don’t want to...
Why So Dumb If Some So Smart?
Humanity Is regularly celebrated for its technology, which has lifted us above all other animals. Curing diseases, motorised vehicles, supermarkets,...
AI: Why Do We Give Our Power Away?
We are in the midst of a hype driven mania for all things AI at this time. This is not entirely unusual, as humanity has done this before. There...
Understanding The Ancient World
I spent a good number of years studying ancient history at university and thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend the learning experience. Understanding...
Are You Using Your Brain Power For Better?
Ask yourself – are you using your brain power for better? In all honesty, are you truly utilising the tools you have been given in this lifetime?...
A Good Heart These Days
A good heart these days is hard to find and the most important one is your own. Amid the hustle and bustle of social media, forums, and online...
Ereader are You Benefitting from Technology
If you haven't purchased an ereader or read a book on an ereader you are missing out on something. Unlike reading text on a personal computer,...
Plumbing and its Importance to Our Lives
I have recently become aware of, just, how important, plumbing is to our lives. Functioning plumbing is vital to the ongoing illusion of a perfect...
Why Good Copy Is Now Even More Important
Why is good copy now more important than ever before? Good copy, online, and in your digital marketing is absolutely vital to your business....
Online Content Writers Sydney
Midas Word is the right choice for digital marketing in Sydney. Midas Word is perfect for online copywriters Sydney. At Midas Word we specialise in...