Paul Keating

Paul Keating Reminds Us We Are Australians

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It was refreshing and darn right funny to watch Paul Keating give a good old dressing down to the press gallery over China fears. It showed clearly how journalism in Australia is in a parlous state. Paul Keating reminds us we are Australians. Youngsters brought up in the halls of Murdoch’s News Corp with no breadth of knowledge or experience to draw upon. All of them singing from the same song sheet about the dangers of China. Keating pointed out how much American interests drive this fear mongering. The Americans don’t like the fact that another powerhouse has risen to challenge their hegemony. You cannot escape from the ingrained racism underpinning the China debate in this country and in all western nations.

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Keating Candidly Challenges Hartcher’s Scaremongering

Peter Hartcher banging on about human rights infringements in China and the dangers of war with China. You do not hear Hartcher and his colleagues quite so loudly taking up the cause over Aboriginal deaths in custody here in Australia. The Nine Fairfax front page features on war with China in the SMH and Age newspapers are OTT and inflammatory. Unbalanced journalism banging the drums of war backed by spokespeople for the industrial military complex in Australia.

AUKUS Submarine Deal Puts Us In Yank’s Pockets

These AUKUS submarines are going to be a huge waste of money. Our history with submarines is appalling in this country. The Collins class submarines have been a patched up work in progress for decades. The fact that we are going to spend $368 billion on a few nuclear powered subs from the US and the UK is not going to be a cost effective solution. These defence procurements always blow out by a factor of 5 or 10, when all is said and done. In ten years’ time we will be in desperate shape for submarines. I predict that this deal will be another disaster for defence and especially for our finances.

men standing over an open hatch of a submarine
Photo by Malcolm Hill on

Keating made some good points about the very slim likelihood of a successful Chinese invasion. These very expensive submarines will not play a decisive part in repelling any invasion, they are, as Keating said, about corralling the Chinese for America in the South China Sea. We get to pay the Yanks and the Brits big time for the pleasure of doing this. Paul Keating reminds us we are Australians and not America’s servants.

Free submarine the ocean image

There is a massive fear of the Chinese as a superpower in the west. I cannot help but see a level of ingrained generational racism in this fear. America does not like to share power in any form. The Chinese don’t want to kow tow down to the Americans any more and why should they. China has not invaded anyone. Russia has. China wants to be accorded status for its size and having a big military has always been part and parcel of that. America is not the only sheriff in town now. There is way too much irrational fear driving these China fears in Australia right now. Many Australians remain racist and the yellow peril has always been a favourite expression of our racism. Paul Keating was not right on every score but he was a timely reminder of how gutless we have become in terms of our sovereignty. America and the Brits are out for their own interests. There is no altruism in international relations. China has not invaded anyone. Stop the war mongering when there is no real evidence warranting it.

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