The Golf Book: Green Cathedral Dreams is for lovers of the game of golf. If the small ball with dimples catches your attention regularly and the act of playing golf is a favourite pastime this is the book for you. It is written for the club golfer and the weekend warrior. It seeks to get inside the head and heart of all of us real golfers. Why do we love this infuriating game? What is it about golf that has 66 million people playing the game? We all play for nothing, for the love of the game, and not for millions of dollars like those few tournament professionals at the top of their game. Money does not come into it for you and me. We love golf for no other reason than it is a bloody great game to play.
“Get into the green cathedral and recognise the nature of the beast. What is it about white belts and golfers? Why do we miss those short putts? Are you an angry golfer? Discover mental strategies for better golf. The reality is that it is all about preparation if you really want to play good golf consistently. This book is full of useful stuff, funny stuff, and some inspirational writing too. Come on a journey with me into the golfer’s kitbag and the psychology we all mess with when we deign to play golf.”
Robert Sudha Hamilton