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The World Wide Web Is Predominantly Populated By Non-Humans

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It is time for all of us to wake up to the imminent dangers we currently face via the digital world. Did you know that more than 60% of what goes on via the internet is non-human? Yes, much of the conversation happening online especially on social media is with bots. All you lonely people out there, you are wasting your time communicating with machines on Twitter, Facebook, and the like. A lot of the traffic to various sites and pages is by machines. All those likes and retweets are, in large parts, by bots. The world wide web is predominantly populated by non-humans. AI will only make that figure grow exponentially.

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Social Media & The Internet Mainly Bots

Social media is all about influence, which is why we have influencers in this sphere. Deep fakes and bots are making this realm bereft of humans. You have to ask yourself whether you are being manipulated by machines already. Do you know when you are talking to a counterfeit human being? Your life may be being ripped off and conned by the technology you utilise.

If you have conversations online and in forums via social media you may already be a victim of AI influence. What a fool believes!

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Digital Deep Fakes, AI & The Very Real Danger

Yuval Harari, the author of Homo Deus, has called for governments to make counterfeiting humans as serious a crime as counterfeiting money. He is warning humanity about the very real dangers posed by AI to our democracies and our existential survival. The internet is causing us all a lot of problems with hackers and scammers having a field day globally. Russians and organised crime gangs around the world are preying on companies and individuals for influence and profit.

Governments, unfortunately, are full of less than particularly bright people and have been slow to appreciate the danger. Regulation in this sector has been pretty much non-existent.  

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Human beings are none too bright in the main, but we love you anyway just because you’re not a machine. More companies are employing AI to make decisions, which are affecting you and me. This is not being declared because there is no onus on them to do so. We are rushing down a pathway toward a future we are not prepared for or equipped to handle. Organised crime has long seen the opportunities presented by the digital world, where faking it is easy. AI is making the fraudulent activity so much easier and harder for consumers to spot. Faking a human should be made a mandatory 20 year prison sentence. Corporate greed will prevent governments from regulating things quickly. Think about it! Faking humans is OK and not illegal, but counterfeiting money is illegal and severely punished. These laws are so out of date and arse about in 2023.

Already the internet is heavily populated by bots and non-human activity pretending to be human. AI will make this a million times worse in a matter of weeks and months. If you cannot trust the technology you use how will you be able to manage your life and business?

unrecognizable hacker with smartphone typing on laptop at desk
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on

Innocent and fairly stupid Australians are using this technology and being phished, financially filleted, and mentally manipulated. Evidence exists for the input of bots into anti-vaxer/sovereign state online debates during and post pandemic here in Australia. The rise of fascist material is pushed as destabilising for democracies by those with something to gain from this. The US elections were clearly influenced by bad actors out of Russia. As was the Brexit debate and vote, which took Britain out of the European Union. The internet is  a battlefield where dark forces can influence democratic populations cost effectively to sew dissent and disruption.

Donald Trump has been a powerful disruptive and damaging figure for more than 7 years in the US. There are links between Trump and Russia.

black flat screen computer monitor - The world wide web is predominantly populated by non-humans
Photo by Josh Sorenson on

All digital crime should be made far more serious in terms of prosecution, if we are to combat it. Hacking and scamming must be made mandatory 20 year sentences to deter involvement. Those who control and employ bots must be made to pay with the loss of their liberty. We have to start taking the digital world more seriously because it has taken over our lives. White collar crime in Australia has a reputation of being not criminally prosecuted. It is time to amend the laws to make it much more likely. Governments must fight back to reclaim the high ground from those taking advantage of the lax laws and traditionally dumb police.

Counterfeiting humans has to become the most serious crime if we are to survive the AI revolution.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt & Financial Freedom


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