man wearing a hat holding a placard with a text stay woke

Don’t Fall For The Woke-Con

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If you’re old and you’re white. If you’re none too bright. Don’t fall for the woke-con. If you’re a bloke and you’re tough. If you’ve had enough. Don’t fall for the woke-con. These slimy politicians are baiting their traps for unsuspecting old timers. These paid representatives for big business and billionaires are working a con. Sucking you in with distractions and deflections from their real machinations. Throwing up smokescreens about transexuals and all things LGBTQI. They don’t care about such stuff, they just want your vote, so they can screw you to the floor, economically speaking that is.

President Trump Congratulates Record Breaking Astronaut (NHQ201704240002)
President Trump Congratulates Record Breaking Astronaut (NHQ201704240002) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

What Is The Woke-Con?

Those on the right are pointing the finger at everything woke. In every speech and sound-grab they blame it on woke. Ask them what woke is and they splutter and shout. Defining the demon is harder than apportioning blame. The woke-con is a conservative stratagem. Everyone likes having a villain to blame. The electorate enjoys having something to express their frustrations toward. Focus groups identify the pet hates of demographics within the populace. Gender identity is one such lightning rod to exploit. Anti-progressives don’t like diversity on such core issues and their beliefs around such things are strong.

adult beanie crisis despair - don't fall for the woke-con
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Conned By Right Wing Pollies Over Wokeism

The woke-con is that these bought politicians, in the pockets of big business, really care about such issues as the main game. When, in fact, what they really care about is manipulating the laws to feather the nests of their paid corporate masters.

Gender identity and immigration concerns are hooks to lead voters to their side in the battle against fairness for all. Suckers are born all the time on the back of emotive issues.

Whilst the anti-wokesters are getting all passionate the pollies are stealing their lunch and the lunches of their children and children’s children. Neoliberalism has made Western nations around the globe places of the very wealthy few and tens of millions of working poor.

It is amazing how stupid voters on the right are, as they sling their wagons to the trains of the very men who have fleeced their cohort already. I suppose they do so in the hope that they will get a cut of the action. Trump or whoever it is leading the way will never share the spoils with these folks, only those on the inside will get a lick of the ice cream.

a grayscale photo of an elderly man holding a wooden frame
Photo by Kindel Media on

The economic figures show that, rather than the last couple of decades bringing greater prosperity to the nation it has been the reverse for the many. Houses are too expensive for the average person to buy without going into lifelong debt. Wages have not kept pace with the cost of living and this generation is worse off than their parents and grandparents. We are working more and not less – and not getting ahead. Education is becoming prohibitively expensive for our kids. Health is becoming wildly expensive in the US, where there is little or no national insurance coverage.

“Household wealth is distributed unequally, the report found, with the top one per cent of Australians holding 50 times more wealth than the lower 60 per cent of the population. The majority of Australians remain on the lower scale of wealth, with 60 per cent of the population only pocketing 17 per cent of the country’s wealth.”

US Wealth Distribution

“The top 1% owned a record 32.3% of the nation’s wealth as of the end of 2021, data show. The share of wealth held by the bottom 90% of Americans, likewise, has declined slightly since before the pandemic, from 30.5% to 30.2%”.

What these figures tell us is that it is a rigged game. The economies are set up to funnel lots of money to the richest at the top of the tree, whilst the majority of us get bugger all, relatively speaking.

Ronald Reagan png sticker, US

Ask yourself who has been in power for the majority of time over the last 50 years? Who has overseen this unfair distribution of our nation’s wealth?

Conservative governments from Reagan, Bush, Bush Jnr, and non-progressive government’s under Clinton and Obama have been responsible in America.

In Australia, it has been John Howard, in particular, who messed with housing to begin the massive inflation in the residential property market. 380% over the last three decades. The RBA does not include housing in its inflation figures. Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, and Scott Morrison have continued the neoliberalism inspired manipulation of our economy to achieve far greater inequity within our society. Labor governments under Rudd and Gillard did not do enough to reverse that trend.

In the UK, it was Thatcher and Major, then, Tony Blair was a neoliberal Labour leading PM for much of his tenure.

Neoliberalism was an economic con, with its promises of the trickle down effect. Trickle to nothing once the cost of living and inflation ate up the little that was left.

Prosperity went to the billionaires at the top, indeed, neoliberalism has created this glut of billionaires at the very top. The media kisses their arses and they have become our new aristocracy.

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Photo by Markus Spiske on

Don’t fall for the woke-con, you will only be increasing the power and influence of the already powerful and influential. You will not stop social progression. You wont prevent diversity from allowing people of difference to have a seat at the table. Humanity is growing up and not listening to the small minded concerns of those who lived in the Bronze Age, some 3 millennia ago. Who in their right mind would want humanity to be directed by the concerns of goat farmers who lived thousands of years ago in Canaan. It is time to embrace more than you might think you are, if humanity is to go on and truly prosper.    

Don’t fall for the woke con. Look at the economic data and make an informed choice. Don’t vote on emotive social issues because governments don’t actually deal with these things. It’s a con.

Robert Sudha Hamilton

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