Why Wealthy White People Won’t Share?

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Following the failure of the Voice to Parliament referendum for Indigenous Australians some folks are wondering why. Why wealthy white people won’t share? I mean, after all these many years why keep the boot on the throat? Why deny constitutional recognition to First Nations people? Well, it is always about money and power. It is not mere racism alone but that in combination with their pragmatic interests. Certain wealthy people, many of them involved in the mining industry did not want any more power vested in Aboriginal voices in this nation. Treaties and things like this invariably cost money for those doing business in Australia.

No respect for Captain Cook
No respect for Captain Cook by Pauline E is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

Wealthy White Miners Didn’t Want A Voice For Aboriginals

Spending a few million dollars on a campaign to deny Indigenous Australians a voice to parliament is well worth it. Anything that galvanises an anti-Aboriginal movement or popular trend is money well spent. Especially if you are digging things up out of their land for profit. Mining Czars and the like don’t want any more power vested in First Nations people or groups. People like Tony Abbott get paid to do their level best to promote the interests of white Australia at the expense of things like reconciliation and treaty. The Liberal Party of Australia and the Nationals are firmly in the big business camp.

confident senior businessman holding money in hands while sitting at table near laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Wealthy White Rupert & Lachlan Spreading Lies

Sowing false fears and anxiety via negative campaigning is a Tony Abbott speciality. The Murdoch News Corp bandwagon is always close at hand to spread the false flags. Exploiting the stupidity of the Australian people is a never ending source of revenue for the Murdoch empire. Sky News Australia, like Fox News, is committed to making money from the right wing audience and big business. Truth telling is something so alien to this organisation it would lie to itself if there was a buck in it. Murdoch’s Fox News was fined a billion dollars in a libel suit for lying about the 2020 US election. It is outrageously biased and unrepentant. There are calls for a Royal Commission into Murdoch’s media empire in Australia.

“In place of quality journalism, Mr Murdoch and his inner circle of executives use the News Corp beast to distort the news to push their political agenda. Tabloid columnists and SKY television shock jocks stoke fear and division in our communities to get clicks and sales. The Murdochs trade media coverage for political favours, distorting our democracy and weakening our voices.”

city sunset street storm
Photo by Josh Withers on Pexels.com

Turn News Into Entertainment & Nobody Then Cares

Murdoch turned news into entertainment some decades back. Opinion pieces in newspapers replaced investigative journalism. PR took the space once reserved for actual reporting. This continued in current affairs programming on TV. Populist fodder kept the punters’ attention. Tabloid news spread everywhere and balanced coverage became a distant memory. Shock jocks on radio kept up the diatribes. Polarising news became the order of the day. Everything was turned into a competition like a reality TV show. Political coverage was turned on its head and remains a click bait, sound bite affair. Once news became entertainment truth went out of the picture. This is where we find ourselves now.

Deflecting Via Disinformation & Lies

cute native australian child giving beautiful toothy smile
Photo by Zakaria HANIF on Pexels.com

Why wealthy white people won’t share? Australia is the only colonised country which doesn’t recognise its First Nations inhabitants constitutionally. Mining companies in Australia pay very little tax in comparison with many other resource rich places like Norway. Power and wealth have delivered undue influence within our political sphere. Rich people don’t want to share. Not even with their own kids in some instances. Dumb Aussies keep backing fat rich people in hope they will get a few crumbs. Downward envy is a thing in Australia, as it is easier to beat up on the weak and dispossessed than take on the big end of town. Racism gets a look in too but it is more about material greed. 32% of corporations doing business in Australia paid no tax at all in the last financial year. The only people paying their fair share of tax are ordinary workers. Rich folk have accountants to set up trusts to ensure they minimise their tax. Mining companies donate large sums of money to both major political parties. They have bought their seat at the big table. The media in Australia does not speak truth to power – it is largely corporatised and is susceptible to threats by big advertisers to pull their ads from the mastheads, networks and programmes. Indigenous Australians were shafted by the establishment and a No campaign financed by miners and investors. Simon Fenwick is a name to look our for.

Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom. 


Money Matters by Robert Sudha Hamilton
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