silhouette of flying birds on a twilight sky

A Good Heart These Days

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A good heart these days is hard to find and the most important one is your own. Amid the hustle and bustle of social media, forums, and online debate it is very easy to get wound up. To seethe and hate or mope and despair. To writhe in anger or anguish and rage against the dimming light of reason. Peace be upon you brother and sister. Fill your heart and soul with tranquil thoughts and healing energy. Thus spake Zarathustra. Well, perhaps not, but it is a fairly good idea, every now and then, to take a time-out from the fray.

a good heart

Can Compassion Still Fill Your Heart?

Peace be upon you sister and brother. We are all children of the source. No matter what colour our skin and imagined orientation of blood.

Take a deep breath and relax into the now. There is only this very moment. Everything else is either past or possible future.

Why do we get so het up over stuff that may not conform to our idea of perfection? Is it this digital, technological mirror that we peer into so intently every minute of the day? Do we bring our pixel and byte expectations over onto the other real flesh and blood people we engage with? Take a moment to ponder this.

 a rose for peace

Does Technology Have a Heart?

Technology has provided us with the illusory ability to make pretty pictures on screens, which purport to be a representation of reality. Our expectations have risen on the back of this. We want stuff to be oh so perfect in our lives. Godlike abilities with smoke and mirrors may mean we have lost touch with much else. We fill our days and nights with screen grabs and moving pictures. Whilst the other kind of life shrinks from our grasp. Can we still be friends? Even when other human beings don’t fit our perfect picture?

a river runs like a good heart

A Good Heart Remains A Requirement Of The Most Important Kind

A good heart these days is hard to find. Look inside your own chest and mind. What do you see and feel there? How full is your compassion container? How much understanding remains in your tank? Do you need a lube and change? Will you continue to fume and mutter improprieties against all those that fail to live up to your narrow ideas of perfection? Take some time to breathe in some fresh air every now and then.

Take a look at nature if you can and take off those glasses. See with your heart. Peace be upon you my friend.


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