The rise of cybercrime: The widening gap between rich and poor is in direct correlation. We have been warned that the continuing divide and...
George Pell Is Dead
Ding dong the witch is dead! Cardinal George Pell has fallen from this mortal coil. George Pell is dead. A convicted sex offender, who was later...
Australia Has Set The Bar Too Low
Australia has set the bar too low, when it comes to societal expectations around things like civic responsibility. Decades of neoliberalism...
The Real State of Democracy In America
Democracy has long been lauded in the United States of America – Home of the Free etc etc. The reality of the situation, however, has been revealed...
Rachel Maddow’s ULTRA Podcast
I spent some time listening to Rachel Maddow’s ULTRA podcast last week. This production was very well done and worth taking the time to engage with....
People Have Discovered Ukraine
Many people have discovered Ukraine for the first time since the invasion by Russia at the beginning of this year 2022. In a perverted sense they...
Gambling Feasting on Sports Mad Australia
I have been approached by someone working for a digital marketing company to write an article about a sport of my choice. Yes, they will pay me...
Out Of Touch Australian Media
The results of the recent federal election surprised an out of touch Australian media. The success of the Greens and the Teal tidal wave bowled over...
Why Did God Bother Us?
There we were minding our own business and suddenly folks were hearing voices inside their heads. Why did god bother us? According to the stories...
Who Will You Vote For on May 21?
The Australian federal election has finally been called for May 21. Who will you vote for on May 21? Aussies are now gearing up to make a big...