I thought that I should write one last time to you on the marking of your defeat and loss of office. A farewell letter to Scott Morrison on behalf...
cultural identity
Why Did God Bother Us?
There we were minding our own business and suddenly folks were hearing voices inside their heads. Why did god bother us? According to the stories...
The Actors On Our Political Stage
Some people were surprised to find out that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was originally a comedienne/actor. In reality, however, all...
New Golf Book Now Available at Amazon Kindle
This is a book about golf and in particular why the game of golf is so special. It is a book about why I love the game and why it has captured my...
Plumbing and its Importance to Our Lives
I have recently become aware of, just, how important, plumbing is to our lives. Functioning plumbing is vital to the ongoing illusion of a perfect...
Why Good Copy Is Now Even More Important
Why is good copy now more important than ever before? Good copy, online, and in your digital marketing is absolutely vital to your business....
Online Content Writers Sydney
Midas Word is the right choice for digital marketing in Sydney. Midas Word is perfect for online copywriters Sydney. At Midas Word we specialise in...
Qumran Sect a Cult Under Siege
The Qumran sect, or the Essenes,  as they were known by Josephus – the first century AD Roman – Jewish scholar, were a prime example of a religious...
Judeo-Christian Roots Beginning of Misuse of Religion by Political Powers
by Robert Hamilton I think it will be enlightening to look back into the very roots of our religious and cultural identities, to see where our gods...
Ageing Affects on Our Consciousness
by Sudha Hamilton Published in WellBeing Magazine “O, what a world of unseen visions and heard silences, this insubstantial country of the...